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A Culinary Road Trip in Alicante

Get a true taste of Iberia at these delicious foodie stops on a culinary road trip in Alicante.

Food might not be the first thing you’d associate with Alicante and the Costa Blanca. That would be beaches, perhaps, its mountainous landscape, or the grand Moorish castle, Santa Bárbara.

Dig a little deeper into dish of paella, though, and you’ll discover one of Spain’s most delicious destinations. The region’s history is as evident on the plate as it is on the landscape; its gastronomy seasoned by millennia of diverse inhabitants. Early Iberian tribes, Ancient Greek and Roman settlements, and Moorish rulers all contributed to an intoxicating edible legacy.

The climate and location help, too, with fertile, salt-sprayed farmland and abundant seafood from the Mediterranean Sea. Grab your hire car at Alicante airport and hit the road for a culinary tour from flavour-packed rice dishes to date palm groves sheltering tomatoes and citrus trees.

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Alicante written in tiles